Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Venus moving across the face of the Sun. Source: NASA/SDO

Many people are aware of yesterday's rare cosmic occurrence: The Venus Transit. As a lover of astrology, I know that this event also carries a significant energetic influence. So here is a quick explanation:

Every 18 months, Venus goes retrograde, which means that, from our perspective, she moves backwards in relation to the zodiac. This happens 5 times every 8 years, and her path forms a perfect 5 pointed star. During her retrograde cycle, Venus moves between the Earth and the Sun. Normally when Venus and the Sun are conjunct, meeting at the same degree in the zodiac, her orbit places her either above or below the Sun from our perspective. Yesterday's transit, in which she visibly moved directly in front of the Sun, only happens approximately every 120 years. So this was a big deal.

Astrologically, when Venus goes retrograde, she influences all of us, bringing tension to our relationships and and prompting us to take a deep look at ourselves, our relationships and our values. I don't intend this to be an Astrology blog. If you want more details, I encourage you to look it up on any astrology site.

The last two times that Venus went retrograde, March-April 2009 and October-November 2010, I participated in a very special ceremony to honor the Venus archetype and her influence on my life. For all of us who participated, these ceremonies were truly life-changing. The most important element of the ritual was the writing of Commitments, vows about our intentions for change and personal growth that we spoke aloud as we stood in the circle.

This ceremony was repeated last night. It was beautiful and powerful, and I am so grateful that I got to participate once again.

I am writing this blog post to share the Commitments that I wrote. I have felt for some time that this particular Venus Retrograde cycle is somehow more potent for me than the previous two, which is kind of overwhelming considering that the cycle in 2009 marked the beginning of a HUGE transformation in just about every level of my being. So I put a lot of time and careful thought into the words I wrote for this particular ceremony, and I am proud to share them with the online world.

I would also like to note that this conjunction occurred at 16 degrees of Gemini.


Venus Transit Ceremony
8 Commitments

  1. I COMMIT to making the most of my practical resources, applying them or channeling them in such a way that they best serve me and help me to attain my goals. This includes: applying more of my extra income toward long term goals, being more productive with my time, and pursuing resources and opportunities that are provided through my social connections.
  2. I COMMIT to improving the health of my body & mind. It is my intention to no longer be hindered by such ailments as migraines, insomnia & other sleep disorders, lethargy, PMS, allergies, depression, etc. I will identify and happily make the adjustments necessary to overcome my susceptibility to these ailments, and I will have a more fit and well tuned body to carry me through this life.
  3. I COMMIT to being more aware of the blessings in my life, and to expressing my Gratitude & Love.
  4. I COMMIT to trusting the power of Intent. I know that when I focus my energy, creativity & willpower the Universe provides opportunities, resources & happy majicks that enable me to overcome obstacles and manifest my positive desires, and it protects me when I make mistakes and when I venture into the Unknown.
  5. I COMMIT to continuing my process of personal growth & evolution by opening myself up to positive experiences, by sharing myself more deeply and authentically with others, by approaching all situations with a healthy, optimistic & flexible attitude, and by continuing to be aware of myself, my needs & my inherent humanity as well as my impact on the people, creatures & environment around me.
  6. I COMMIT to identifying the weaknesses in my character that prevent me from being the Me that I desire to be, easily forgiving myself for & releasing those shortcomings, and adjusting my attitudes & behaviors accordingly.
  7. I COMMIT to manifesting healthy, sincere friendships, strengthening the healthy friendships that are already established, and manifesting a healthy long-term romantic relationship.
  8. I COMMIT to strengthening the alignment of my Self with the Universal Energies, maintaining balance & groundedness, spreading Love & Light, and using my strengths, talents & wisdom to serve the Higher Good.

I didn't actually get to see the little black dot crossing over the face of the Sun because I didn't have access to the proper eyeglasses or telescope. Oh well. Maybe in my next lifetime. But I am not disappointed. The most important aspect of this event was not the physical observation but the spiritual observation and celebration. And I am really excited to see how the energies of this particular Venus Retrograde cycle affects my life in the long term, and how the words and intentions that I set forth as I stood in the ceremonial circle will unfold as I enter what is sure to be a new phase in my life.

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