Monday, April 25, 2011

publishing poetry of my past: a preface

As I was catching up on facebook this morning, I checked out this link posted by a friend:  It looks like an interesting project and I'm hoping that by participating that it will inspire me to write more on my own.

So I signed up for an account on WordPress, and was prompted by the site to set up a blog. Which I'm not going to do because I already have a blog, the one you are currently reading. The one I haven't posted anything on or even logged into for a while.

Eventually this process of addressing my neglected inner writer led me to an old folder on my computer labeled Original Writings, which contains poetry, short stories and journal-type ramblings that I have produced over the past 5 or so years. Most of these were previously published on my old Myspace profile. But I deleted that account a couple of years ago, and now many of my best writings exist only on my hard drive or in unorganized journals in my bedroom.

Which brings me around to my point:  Most of my best writings are not currently published. A large chunk of my creative output is unavailable to my friends and community. So it is time for me to upload the archives to this blog.

**A quick note:  I used the nom de plume of "Marion V. Darkstag" for several years. I have since abandoned this alias for a number of reasons. However, to stay true to the spirit in which these past works were written I am crediting Marion V. Darkstag as the author.


To begin with, I am posting poetry that I wrote during my last relationship in chronological order. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not intending to be weirdly sentimental over a fucked up co-dependent love affair that ended over 3 years ago. Believe me, the emotional impact has long faded. But I am proud of the poetry that was inspired by that fucked up co-dependent love affair, and I want to share it! LOL!

Plus, after being single for almost 3 years, it is interesting to me on an intellectual level to take an occasional look into my past, to remember how I felt in the moment as opposed to the distant perspective I hold now. To assess how much I have grown and how my values have changed. And to wonder what love will be like for me in the future.

So enjoy.

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